The Fall Guy is a 2024 American action comedy film directed by David Leitch and written by Drew Pearce, loosely based on the 1980s TV series about stunt performers. The film follows a stuntman working on his ex-girlfriend's directorial debut action film, only to find himself involved in a conspiracy surrounding the film's lead actor. It stars Ryan Gosling, Emily Blunt, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Hannah Waddingham, Teresa Palmer, Stephanie Hsu, and Winston Duke.
Details about the plot are scarce, but early reports suggest the film will blend the show's signature stunt work with a fast-paced mystery. We can expect dazzling practical effects and exhilarating action sequences, all delivered with Lord and Miller's signature comedic touch. The film also boasts a stellar supporting cast, including Winston Duke, Stephanie Hsu, and Teresa Palmer, adding further intrigue to the production. The Fall Guy was more than just a show about explosions and car chases. It was a love letter to the often-overlooked world of stunt performers, the unsung heroes who make movie magic possible. The new film has the potential to continue this tradition, celebrating the dedication and skill of the stunt community.